Following is a gallery of “animated gif” images, which is a mini-program that runs 2 images alternating on top of each other. I’ve tried to take a photo of the Cannon River from the same locations that I shot last year at this time when were having a “century-flood”. We are currently under a drought with very low river levels.
Warning: Do not look at these if you have epilepsy. (and please LIKE if you like)
Behind Archer House Facing North Towards 2nd St Bridge
On 2nd Street Bridge Looking at Back of Archer House
Behind Archer House looking South Towards Riverwalk Bridge
On 4th Street Bridge Looking Towards Ames Mill
On 2nd Street Bridge Looking North Towards the Crossing (Note, City removed trees over summer)
Behind Archer House looking across to the West
Looking South, Standing Near 2nd Street Bridge