5 Things A Homeowner Should Splurge On
I get asked all the time, “What can I improve on my house that will give me the biggest return upon selling?”. The answer to these questions is usually, a kitchen or bathroom remodel or an unfinished basement build out. Look online and you will find articles galore...
7 Things you must do when preparing to sell your home
So you’re about to take the plunge into the real estate market, specifically the local sellers’ market. Home preparation is key to getting what you want in the time you want it. How devoted you are to making your house shine like a gem can increase the perceived value...
Where to go sledding in Northfield – Google Map
Here's the skinny on sledding in Northfield MN. The Carleton Soccer Fields and Sibley Soccer are probably the least steep while Thorson and Evans are the steepest. If you know of any other suggestions, please use the "contact me" to send a note. Note: Tim is in no...
My Appearance on The Unexpected Caregiver with Kari Berit, KYMN Radio Program
Today Kari chats with Tim Freeland about selling Mom and Dad's home when its time. Get tips, tricks and suggestions on de-cluttering, making the transition and financial suggestions. Broadcast on KYMN every Thursday from 11-11:30am. Ready or not, you're a caregiver...
May 5-6 Cottonwood Tree Removal Along Cannon River 2014
2014 Northfield Hospital Aux Book Sale Time Lapse
Introducing “Dear Northfield”, a Photo/Video Historic View of Our Town
About six months ago, I came up with an idea based on the Dear Photograph site, which superimposes old photos over current times, with the old photo held up in reference and the hand seen in the final product. I submitted a photo of myself mowing the yard when I was...
Cannon River 2010-2011 Stark Contrasting Images
Following is a gallery of "animated gif" images, which is a mini-program that runs 2 images alternating on top of each other. I've tried to take a photo of the Cannon River from the same locations that I shot last year at this time when were having a "century-flood"....
My Norhian-Project Covered by Local Paper
Thanks to Jerry Smith and Kaylin Hreha for the interest in my little spring project. Kaylin interview me last week for this article and it ran last Saturday. I also wanted to thank Kathy Ness at the Library for assisting in the coming-and-going of Norhians and Hayes...
I Just Scanned Every Northfield Yearbook Since 1877
That's right. It took me about 3 months of scanning, but I did it. I always wanted to somehow harvest all of the names and faces in a yearbook, but with Facebook and new digital ways, it seemed a waste to have this "social resource" sitting on the shelf. How many...
Amazing…Now and Then..Photo Overlay Concept
Inspired by a Mashable blog this week, which introduced dearphotograph.com, I went out to take my own personal photo-versions. The website is only a few weeks old, and the concept a flash idea by the creator, Taylor Jones. So simple yet so brilliant. I was blown...
Why does the high school ‘Raider’ mascot look like Genghis Kahn and not a cowboy? (with updates)
I grew up with this Northfield Raider mascot on everything. It was on the basketball courts, painted through out the schools, on our jerseys, etc. It wasn't until I was a junior or senior in high school did I think to question what it was or what it symbolized. I...