About six months ago, I came up with an idea based on the Dear Photograph site, which superimposes old photos over current times, with the old photo held up in reference and the hand seen in the final product. I submitted a photo of myself mowing the yard when I was...
Following is a gallery of “animated gif” images, which is a mini-program that runs 2 images alternating on top of each other. I’ve tried to take a photo of the Cannon River from the same locations that I shot last year at this time when were having a...
Thanks to Jerry Smith and Kaylin Hreha for the interest in my little spring project. Kaylin interview me last week for this article and it ran last Saturday. I also wanted to thank Kathy Ness at the Library for assisting in the coming-and-going of Norhians and Hayes...
That’s right. It took me about 3 months of scanning, but I did it. I always wanted to somehow harvest all of the names and faces in a yearbook, but with Facebook and new digital ways, it seemed a waste to have this “social resource” sitting on the...